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RoosterMoney Resources

A treasure trove of fun and educational articles for the whole family. Pocket money tips, recommended products, advice from experts, or just ideas on how to get the most out of the app. And be sure to check out our Primers, a set of bite sized guides on how to talk to kids about money.

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#2 Clear the Clutter

Stay at home challenge – Clear the clutter – A great wat to introduce the concept of ‘needs’ and ‘wants’, and get the bedroom tidy.

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Bank Note Challenge 1440x600 v2

#1 Design your own bank note

Stay at home challenge – Ask your kids to design their own bank note? Who would they feature on it? What other important information needs to be on there?

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Share their First Purchase of the Year with #RoosterFirsts

Celebrate those #RoosterFirsts – Share a video of your First Purchase of the Year on Instagram for a chance to win up to £50. ?

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Teaching Kids About Money at Christmas

It’s the Holidays! And we’re here with some pointers on how to teach kids about money at Christmas!

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A Parent’s Guide to Fortnite Game

Here’s a parent’s guide to Fortnite, including parental controls for the Xbox, Playstation, Mac and PC, and ways to limit kids’ spending from RoosterMoney

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A Kids’ Guide to Black Friday

It’s a big shopping day, and children can take part too. Find out how it got its name, what sort of deals you’re likely to find, and why some people avoid all shops on this day

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A Kids’ Guide to Black Friday

It’s a big shopping day, and children can take part too. Find out how it got its name, what sort of deals you’re likely to find, and why some people avoid all shops on this day

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Minecraft for kids - parental control from RoosterMoney

A Parents’ Guide: How to manage Minecraft for your kids

A simple, no-nonsense parents’ guide to controlling and managing payments and online safety in Minecraft for your kids from Roostermoney – check it out!

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5 Fun Money Games for Kids

Money games for kids are a great way to introduce the concept of money in a fun and safe way. Check out these fun board games, activities and online games!