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RoosterMoney Resources

A treasure trove of fun and educational articles for the whole family. Pocket money tips, recommended products, advice from experts, or just ideas on how to get the most out of the app. And be sure to check out our Primers, a set of bite sized guides on how to talk to kids about money.

Editor Picks


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Easier Secured Access with Biometrics

Introducing Biometrics! Allowing you to use either Face or Fingerprint ID to create a more swift and secure login process.

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Talking About Helping Others

Talking About Helping Others

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Talking About Budgeting

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Should you pay for grades?

Should you pay for grades? In this post we look at both sides of the debate as well as some tips and tricks for parents to get started.

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Screen time header

Managing screen time for your children

Many parents worry about how much time their children should spend staring at screens. Nowadays, we’re surrounded by televisions, smartphones, tablets, gaming consoles and computers. Here’s some help on how to manage it all.

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Top 5 Alexa Skills for Kids

we’ve shortlisted our top picks on Alexa skills that are great for children and families.

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Snowball Interest

Talking About Compound Interest

Compound interest is the super power that expands your savings – or makes a mountain of debt. The earlier you understand compound interest, the earlier you can start making the most of it!

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Ways to save money for your family

We know saving for your children is high on many parent’s list of priorities and can become stressful when you think of all the things you would like to help your little ones with. So here’s a few tips to get you started.