Our Rooster Hero this month is Tom Raffield – who is a teacher at St David’s School in Purley.

Financial literacy and independence are key skills that he champions at his school through Entreprise Projects (creating and running a real business as a group), Micro Society (creating and managing a society in the classroom), financial lessons (on bank accounts, interest rates, investments and the stock exchange) and through St David’s school currency (they have a School Bank and School Shop).

Tom has been twice recognised as a Runner-Up in the Finance Teacher of the Year Award in 2018 and 2020 and also received a Judge’s Award at the Finance Teacher of the Year Award in 2019! 

1. What’s your earliest money memory? 🍼

I think my earliest memory of money is receiving money from my parents as pocket money (or from the Tooth Fairy!). I used to get a couple of pounds a week which I used to keep in various ‘piggy bank’ style tins. I never really spent much money when I was younger and have always been more of a saver. If I ever did spend money it would have been on comics (the Beano featuring Dennis the Menace) or on penny sweets and small toys.

2. What did you want to be when you were a kid? 👶

I always wanted to be a pilot or an air traffic controller as I loved planes and anything aviation. However, as with many childhood dreams I didn’t end up following that career path and eventually found my way into teaching – which is a brilliant job! I am still very much still into planes and recently was lucky enough to fly in a WW2 Spitfire!

3. What's your favourite sweet? 🍬

The good old-fashioned flying saucers or milk bottles were great! I’m now into Tangfastics.

4. Describe your money personality 🤔

Big Saver – I am always sure to save money whenever I can. This does not necessarily mean that I never spend anything on myself but when I do it is usually something quite big – perhaps once or twice a year.

5. What's the best bit about your job? 💼

Working with children is never the same. Every day in teaching is very different which is what makes it so fantastic. It is great to see the excitement in children’s faces when we start a new topic or the buzz when a new concept or skill is understood. It can be challenging at times but the rewards far outweigh any negatives.

6. Do you give your kids an allowance? And if so, what’s the system (if there is one!)? 💰

I have two young girls, a two year old and a 14 week old so they do not have an allowance yet; I’m sure they will want one though! I do however have bank accounts setup for the girls so friends and family can deposit money for them when they grow older.

7. Best piece of money advice you’ve ever been given? 🎓

Appreciate what you have but at the same time strive and save for what you want.

8. What’s your top tip for parents on teaching kids the value of money? 💡

Make money fun but also a realistic part of daily life with relevance to kids. Create a house currency (even design and print some notes) which can be earnt for being good or helping around the house. Have a prize pool or house shop where the currency can be spent. This way the children earn money in a realistic way but also learn to save and set targets for something they really want.

9. How will we be paying for things in 2040? 🤖

Cashless for sure but perhaps through micro-chips in our thumbs!

10. Bonus: Favourite app on your phone (apart from RoosterMoney of course!) 📲

Oculus for my Oculus Quest VR headset.

Do you know someone who could be our next Rooster Hero? Drop us an email at hello@admin.test.rooster.money!