Laurel and Gary Chambers live in England with their children Lucy (14) and Emma (11). They’ve been using RoosterMoney since November 2020 and love how easy the app is to use.

Did you give pocket money before starting RoosterMoney? If so, what problems did you have? 💰

Yes we did, but we often forgot to actually hand the money over; we never had the cash to hand.

Why did you start using RoosterMoney? 📲

The children were complaining that, during the pandemic, many shops wanted customers to pay via card, rather than in cash. 

How do you use RoosterMoney in your family? 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

 We add money to the app, then move it to the girls’ cards, mainly to pay for pocket money.

“We did give pocket money, but we often forgot to actually hand the money over; we never had the cash to hand.”


What are your favourite things about RoosterMoney? 🎉

Now we can add money (and deduct money!) at any point, no matter where we are.

How has RoosterMoney helped your family? Has it made life easier? 😌

Yes. The girls can see how much money they have, and so can they. It’s so much more efficient.

How has RoosterMoney changed your kids' understanding of money? Do you feel they're better savers or smarter spenders? 👩‍🎓

They still spend their money as soon as they get it, but we now don’t lend them any money. If it’s not on their card, they have to wait.

“Now we can add money (and deduct money!) at any point, no matter where we are.”


Give us your top pocket money tip to share. ✍️

 Kids: don’t spend all your money at Costa!

“It’s really easy to use. It’s definitely made pocket money easier!”

Anything else to add? 🤔

It’s really easy to use. It’s definitely made pocket money easier!

If you’ve been using our app for a while and would like to share your story, either over the phone, email or video – please get in touch at