Article by Alex Rayner

What Climate Change Teaches Kids About Money

Ask the kids:

is it fair for people to pay more for flights and burgers, if they hurt the environment? Are there any reasons not to raise those taxes?
Ask the kids:

External costs are everywhere, from the pollution caused by petrol companies, through to the plastic left over from chocolate bar wrappers. Can you think of any other external costs? How do you think companies could be charged for these costs?
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Ask the kids:

Is it fair to ask some countries to pay more to stop climate change? Is it an easy thing to agree on? What problems might politicians face when trying to convince their voters to make big payments?

Ask the kids:

Can you think of any other times when spending money early actually saves in the long turn? Fixing bikes? Mending a roof?
Ask the kids:

Using our spending choices to make changes is sometimes called consumer power. Are there other ways you can think of using consumer power to help the environment? Maybe by recycling or buying second-hand items? Or finding out about environmental charities, and perhaps even set up a regular donation?