What’s on the agenda today? Another day of juggling work and children? If so, why not talk to your kids about your job? And what it is you do, or usually do! It could be a great way to get them thinking about what they want to do later in life too. 

The activity: What do I do all day?

Have a chat with your child about what your job is (whether past or present), help them understand what you do and why you do it. Some conversation starters:

  • What do they think your job is?
  • Why do you do that job?
  • How did you get started?
  • Explain how your job earns money?
  • What other jobs can people do?

Take it further

If they seem to be finding it interesting try asking them to think about what job they’d like to do when they’re older? What skills those jobs require, and how they make money?

Don’t forget: Prizes for sharing

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Got any more activity ideas?

Please share with us at hello@admin.test.rooster.money and we’ll share as many as we can on social, giving you the credit of course :)